Keeping Memories Alive: Dealing with Grief and Loss
When a loved one dies, children may be confronted by "big feelings" in a way that might be very new for them. Sesame Street in Communities has a thorough page dedicated to kids and parents as they sort through the emotions associated with tragic events. Inspired by their "Helping Kids Remember" activity, we've created two templates for children to keep the memory of their loved one alive with written stories or drawings of cherished times. Families can attach the "I remember when..." strips together in a "Memory Chain" as the Sesame Street activity suggests, add them to a special memory jar or box, or keep them in frequently visited places such as the child's backpack or dresser to keep their happy memories close. The "Memory Book" can serve as a guided journal for children to complete with the help of a parent or trusted adult.
Below, we've also listed several children's books that families may find helpful in working through difficult times, along with links to read or listen to them for free:
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst (via YouTube)
In My Heart: A Book of Feelings by Jo Witek (via YouTube)
Something Small by Rebecca Honig (via Sesame Street)
Printable download here:
To print the memory book, select "print on both sides" and "flip on long edge."